Recent Episodes…

280: How do I tell my partner I want something different? (ft. Jason Lange)

Ahhh, the conundrum: Your partner does something you don't like but you don't know how to say so, so you just let ...

279: "You don’t have to be with someone who makes you feel like sh*t every day!" (ft. Jeff & Allison from the Love & Sex Podcast)

Ever felt stuck in a sexless or passionless relationship? Or craved more in a relationship but didn't know how to ...

278: Need a breakthrough? Try breathwork. (ft. Luke Adler)

In my work with men, I often find that stuck or stagnant energy is blocking success in a man's life. He's not ...

277: Want to maximize polarity? Learn to do this well. (ft. Jason Lange)

Here's some potent relationship advice: Learn to be skillful with transitions! If you've ever been in a dating ...

276: I may want an open relationship. How do tell my partner? (ft. Dr. Joli Hamilton)

"I’m curious about open relationships. How do I talk to my partner about it?"This is one of those thorny ...

275: What’s life like as an erotica writer? (ft. Ruan Willow)

When we think about sexy turn-ons and arousal -- especially when we're engaging in solo play -- many of us ...

273: 3 myths about self-love … and why it matters *so much* in relationship (ft. Megan Bhatia)

Ever found yourself resentful of a relationship partner? Maybe you feel like you're always giving and never ...

270: What is shadow work, and how does it make you sexier? (ft. Luke Adler & Jason Lange)

Shadow work is popular in the personal growth community, and for good reason — it can be deeply transformational. ...

269: What women truly crave from men (ft. Jason Lange)

In our work with men who have sex with women, we've noticed a few distinct categories. There are three specific ...

268: A woman’s biggest fear (and how you can help) (ft. Violet Lange)

Want a woman to feel deeply, profoundly, extraordinarily safe with you? Able to surrender fully, relaxing all the ...

267: What do you do if your masculine role models sucked? (ft. Jason Lange)

How did you learn to be a man? From whom did you learn, and what did they impart? More importantly, if this ...

264: How do we learn about sex? (ft. Yuval Mann)

Was your family skilled at teaching you about sex? Was your school, or your religious community? HA. I'm ...

263: 5 ways to polarize a powerful woman (ft. Jason Lange)

Has your woman ever been in her masculine, and you wished she was in her feminine? Here's something that doesn't ...

262: Are you lonely? (ft. Jason Lange)

Ever have trouble concentrating, or beat yourself up for not getting more done? Do you give yourself a hard time ...

261: If I’m having doubts, does that mean she’s not The One? (ft. Jason Lange)

"I just can't make up my mind. Sometimes I feel like I'm settling, and that makes me sad. Sometimes I feel blessed ...

260: How do you make consent sexy? An adult film actress shares! (ft. Tasha Reign)

A lot of the men we work with don't want to be That Guy. The guy who's creepy or pervy or weird. The guy who makes ...

259: Want her to feel safe with you, and free to be vulnerable? Learn to do this. (ft. Jason Lange)

All of the men we work with, whether married, dating, or single, want women to feel safe with them. It's ...

258: Should you wait to get into a relationship in order to work on your stuff? & other popular questions (ft. me!)

Relate to any of the following dating and relationship questions? In dating, I tend to get attached/excited ...

257 What’s the difference between porn sex and real-life sex? A woman porn director explains (ft. Holly Randall)

Holly Randall grew up in a household where both parents were in the adult industry (as photographers/producers). ...

256: How do you support her when she’s having a hard time (and also get your needs met)? (ft. Violet Lange)

When a woman is going through a tough time (especially for an extended period of time), it can be easy to fall ...

255: GuyTalk: Fun with cunnilingus! 3 men share their experience of going down on women

Oral sex can be super hot. In fact, some people consider it even more intimate than intercourse.As one writer put ...

254: The 3 common traps conscious couples fall into (and how to avoid them!) (ft. Allana Pratt)

Let's say you're doing the work, and meet someone else who's doing the work. Now you're in a ...

253: Can you address erectile dysfunction with a science-based sex toy? Turns out yes. (ft. Dr. Soum of MysteryVibe)

Sex is part of life, and major life events affect our sex lives. Here are just a few things you might've wondered ...

252: How to date & have connected sex with a trauma background (ft. Michael Unbroken)

Trauma recovery might not seem like the sexiest topic, but you guys, it is. When it comes to to having healthy, ...

Dear Men Podcast:

How to Rock Sex, Dating, and Relationships With Women

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