You have the right to a thriving sex life.
To Screw or Not to Screw? That is the question.
So I met this guy.
The thing is, I don’t really know what to do about it. Which is an interesting ...
Lovey-Dovey Glove
I get that it’s tight
and awkward. But no condom?
No fucking way, dude.
The last time I was seduced he said almost nonchalantly, “Why don’t you take off your shoes?” Honestly, at that ...
Best way to have me
want to watch football with you:
fuck me at halftime
It came as a shock
when I realized that, in fact,
I’m kind of a bitch
Hell Hath No Fury … Motherf*cker!
So there's this guy.
Who REALLY pissed me off.
What did I do?
Well, I'm a writer. I wrote a letter.
Listen, ...
How Long Is YOUR Rod?
Other people go
sport fishing for R&R.
I go sport fucking.
When Women Leave You Wondering…
[Note: this is a guest post, written by a guy friend of mine in response to How Do I Reject Thee?]
The problem, ...
Dear Men Podcast
278: Need a breakthrough? Try breathwork. (ft. Luke Adler)
In my work with men, I often find that stuck or stagnant energy is blocking success in a man's life. He's not ...
277: Want to maximize polarity? Learn to do this well. (ft. Jason Lange)
Here's some potent relationship advice: Learn to be skillful with transitions!
If you've ever been in a dating ...
276: I may want an open relationship. How do tell my partner? (ft. Dr. Joli Hamilton)
"I’m curious about open relationships. How do I talk to my partner about it?"This is one of those thorny ...
275: What’s life like as an erotica writer? (ft. Ruan Willow)
When we think about sexy turn-ons and arousal -- especially when we're engaging in solo play -- many of us ...
273: 3 myths about self-love … and why it matters *so much* in relationship (ft. Megan Bhatia)
Ever found yourself resentful of a relationship partner? Maybe you feel like you're always giving and never ...
270: What is shadow work, and how does it make you sexier? (ft. Luke Adler & Jason Lange)
Shadow work is popular in the personal growth community, and for good reason — it can be deeply transformational. ...
269: What women truly crave from men (ft. Jason Lange)
In our work with men who have sex with women, we've noticed a few distinct categories. There are three specific ...
268: A woman’s biggest fear (and how you can help) (ft. Violet Lange)
Want a woman to feel deeply, profoundly, extraordinarily safe with you? Able to surrender fully, relaxing all the ...