You have the right to a thriving sex life.
Sharing Is Caring?
I’m single because
the good lays can’t share feelings
and sharers can’t fuck
Looks, brains, wealth, and class
don’t make up for the fact that
he lies through his ...
On & Off
He says the sole thing
better than me in my thong
is me with it off
What I REALLY Want
So I went out the other night in the hopes of getting some action. I was going with a large group, but made sure ...
Pornography was
the first place I saw women
enjoying themselves
Things every man dreads:
crying, meetings, in-laws, and
“Can we just cuddle?”
Eternally Enlightening
Topic that never
gets boring: other people’s
bad relationships
No Comment
As I’m sure other bloggers can attest, as a blog increases in popularity, the number of comments goes up. These ...
Dear Men Podcast
304: What happens if you or your partner needs space? (ft. Jason Lange)
"Needing space within a love relationship is crucial for maintaining my identity ... It’s not merely about ...
303: ‘Boys have as rich an inner life as girls do.’ (ft. Nat Damon of Reach Academy for Young Men))
When you were a boy, did you feel comfortable being your full self?Did you feel at ease around becoming a man -- ...
302: ‘I ask for stories about the sex that changed you.’ (ft. Carly, creator of Aurore)
What if you could read about the sex that affected someone so profoundly they were never the same? What if you ...
301: What’s the difference between therapy and coaching? (ft. Jason Lange)
"As men, it often feels like we should just know how to succeed in a relationship, how to be great in bed, ...
300: What’s it like to do MDMA therapy with your wife? (ft. Lucas)
A lot of our clients crave more intimacy or closeness with their wife/relationship partner. Often this includes a ...
299: Matchmaking: Is it still relevant? (ft. Anika Rashaun)
Would you ever consider using a matchmaker? In a world of dating apps (and let's be real -- those are rough for a ...
298: Becoming skillful at sexual communication — let’s talk about it. (ft. Kristen Carney of Ask Women)
This episode is pulled from the podcast Ask Women, where I myself was the guest! We delve into my sex research ...
297: The problems with polarity (ft. Jason Lange)
Polarity can help you have a hot sex & dating life, not to mention a stronger love relationship overall. And ...