You have the right to a thriving sex life.




I’m asking you a question with my eyes and you’re not answering it  


Pushovers never get to the point of pushing her over the couch  

Sweets Menu

My favorite dessert is when I bring the peaches and you bring the cream  


Pick-up lines are not   evil in and of themselves.   It’s who’s saying them.  

How NOT To Get Me To Sleep With You

A few months ago I was on vacation in Cancún with Veronica. More precisely, we were on vacation near Cancún. We ...

Why I’m Not Married

According to Tracy McMillan, the reason I'm not married is that I'm a selfish, angry, shallow, lying, slut who ...


I recently dated a guy who was great on paper. Let’s call him Mike. He was smart, educated, funny, and ...

What I Know Now That I’m 30

Since I've been 30 for over a week now, I decided it was time to reflect on this monumental occasion in my young ...

Dear Men Podcast

302: ‘I ask for stories about the sex that changed you.’ (ft. Carly, creator of Aurore)

What if you could read about the sex that affected someone so profoundly they were never the same? What if you ...

301: What’s the difference between therapy and coaching? (ft. Jason Lange)

"As men, it often feels like we should just know how to succeed in a relationship, how to be great in bed, ...

300: What’s it like to do MDMA therapy with your wife? (ft. Lucas)

A lot of our clients crave more intimacy or closeness with their wife/relationship partner. Often this includes a ...

299: Matchmaking: Is it still relevant? (ft. Anika Rashaun)

Would you ever consider using a matchmaker? In a world of dating apps (and let's be real -- those are rough for a ...

298: Becoming skillful at sexual communication — let’s talk about it. (ft. Kristen Carney of Ask Women)

This episode is pulled from the podcast Ask Women, where I myself was the guest! We delve into my sex research ...

297: The problems with polarity (ft. Jason Lange)

Polarity can help you have a hot sex & dating life, not to mention a stronger love relationship overall. And ...

296: What does it actually mean to step into your power? (ft. Jason Lange)

As a woman, I sometimes feel like saying to all the Nice Guys out there: We need you! We need you on the court, ...

294: How do I rebuild trust with a partner? (ft. me!)

It's a solo episode! I pulled together some questions from clients or listeners, and go into depth on ...

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