You have the right to a thriving sex life.



Why I Said, “We Shouldn’t Date.”

I have a little crush on someone I shouldn’t. As in, the circumstances are such that we really shouldn’t be ...

How NOT To Have Me Trust You

So there’s this guy I was seeing – we’ll call him Mickey. (Seriously – why do I always pick the most retarded ...

Almost Maybe

Dude, my life is FULL of Almost Maybes right now. It’s killing me. You know what I’m talking about – that guy ...

Incidental Sex

Some sex is meaningful. It means something when you finally sleep with that guy in your building you’ve been ...


I want a divorce. Why? Cause I put a camera in our damn bedroom!  

Up, Chuck

When I think about your hands on me it's all I can do not to hurl    


How much simpler if   one of us just said it: I   want to be with you  

Hot fun

This was just supposed to be a quick summer fling. What the fuck happened!?  

Dear Men Podcast

324: What does it mean to open a woman? (ft. Jason Lange)

Ever been around a woman who was closed down, shut off, or emotionally unavailable? Ever felt like your partner ...

323: How do 12-step programs connect to healthy relationships? (ft. Mark Wilde)

"When I was at my worst, I didn’t know there was a way out."Sometimes in life we get stuck. We ...

321: ‘I’m afraid to show interest until I’m willing to commit’ (ft. Jason Lange)

Have you ever been concerned about getting involved with a woman because you didn't want to hurt her feelings ...

319: ‘My relationship is war.’ (What do I do?) (Ft. Jason Lange)

Ever felt like when it comes to your relationship, you're constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop? Or ...

318: GirlTalk: Role play in sex. What’s it like!?

Ever wanted to explore role-play in sex? If so, you're not alone! According to research, one in three people ...

317: What exactly IS codependency? (How do you know if you’re codependent?) (ft. Jason Lange)

"It felt kind of like a trap, but at the same time felt like a soothing warm blanket to feel safe and ...

315: What happens once you’ve recovered from Nice Guy Syndrome? (ft. Dr. Robert Glover)

There's a lot out there about Nice Guy Syndrome. But what happens after? What is the magical land of ...

314: Can microdosing help you develop better relationships? (ft. David Romero)

Ever contended with anxiety, depression, chronic pain, ADHD, or OCD ... and had that affect your sex or love ...

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