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Dear Men Podcast

18: The secret to being masculine isn’t what you think (ft. Jeffrey Platts)

There's a cool hack we come to in this episode about how to become more masculine. The fact is, traditional views of masculinity are outdated in sex, dating, and relationships. We need a new model for what a sexy AND mature man looks like in the...

17: Josh Klaasen on how to pursue women correctly

There's a wrong way and a right way to go after women -- what's the difference? YouTube personality and men's educator Josh Klaasen joins us to discuss his journey from sucking with women, to becoming a douche-wagon (his words), and finally an alpha...

16: The top 5 things we’ve learned about men (ft. Shana James)

My good friend Shana James, men's coach extraordinaire, and I discuss the top things we've learned as women coaches for men! It's both fascinating and revealing to see the common patterns in sex, dating, relationships, and more.

15: GirlTalk: We crave this from men, and love when they provide it!

My friends and I get together to celebrate this one thing some men provide that is both sexy and thoughtful. It has us relax, feel special, and want to surrender to him even more. Don't miss this episode!

14: How to be a Man in Relationship Instead of a Boy (ft. Martin Hannon)

Women crave MEN, not boys, to have relationships with. But what does it actually mean to be a man instead of a boy in that way? Men's coach Martin Hannon specifies what it takes to be a man who can truly meet his woman where she's dying to be...

13: Advanced Sexual Practices for Men

Ever wondered how to experience more pleasure as a man in sex, last longer, or satisfy your woman more? Tantra teacher Meta Tara outlines sexual practices men can do in to deeply satisfy and delight women in bed ... and have even hotter experiences...

12: How to Help a Shut-Down Woman Open Up

Whether in dating or a relationship, being sexually and emotionally shut-down is painful. Here's one woman's story of how she became more open, and how her man played a significant role along the way.

11: What can male strippers teach us about relationships?

In this super-special episode, I interview 4 male strippers from The Hollywood Men, asking them about their own dating and sex lives, as well as how you sustain a relationship while you're in such a sex object role (2 of the 4 are married!). This...

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