You have the right to a thriving sex life.
Dear Men Podcast
47 – A love poem for you
On this, the week of Valentine's Day, whether you're a man or a woman, single, in a relationship, dating, or any of the rest of it -- here is a love poem just for you. Xoxo.
46: GuyTalk: Men’s sexual fantasies
Three men get real about their sexual fantasies and how they fit in with real women, sex, dating, relationships, and more. We also go over the top ten most popular male fantasies.
45: GirlTalk: Real women share their sexual fantasies!
What's *your* sexual fantasy? We talk about whether we fantasize about the men we're dating or in relationships with, and what our ideal sex is in our fantasies (including the taboo ones).
44: How a “Nice Guy” Found His Power … and Got Into the Best Relationship of His Life (ft. Jim Cruzen)
Most men aren't raised to be able to access both their heart and their power, and their dating lives suffer. This is one man's riveting journey of transformation around power, that led to healthier relationships not only with women, but relationships...
43: How One Man Found His Purpose (ft. Neil Gordon)
Finding your purpose: both men and women want it. Here's how one guy did it. We also touch on how does doing what you love (and getting paid for it) affects your sex, dating, and relationship life.
42: How to Intentionally Attract Your Ideal Partner
When it comes to sex, dating, and relationships, can you intentionally attract a healthy, giving, loving partner? The short answer is yes. The long answer is this episode, which outlines a 2-step process to magnetize the man or woman (or men/women ;))...
41.5: Pain in Pleasure, Pleasure in Pain (ft. Z Zoccolante) [REPLAY]
What do you do when sex hurts? What if it hurts for your partner, but not you? A woman describes her life as a newlywed and then a young married woman for whom sex was painful ... and how she and her husband negotiated that.
41: GirlTalk! When should you text her vs. call her?
GirlTalk! When should you text her vs. call her?