You have the right to a thriving sex life.
When she saunters in
eyes follow her, just as they
do when she walks out.
World-class douchebags
I can’t decide who’s
the bigger prick: Stalin or
this IMF guy
Because you ...
Fertile Ground
What is the point of
having a lawn if you can't
fuck the gardener?
PMS: What. The fuck.
I swear to God, being a woman is absurd sometimes. It isn’t enough that we have to carry our vaginas with us ...
I’m trying not to
admit that when I see you
I feel butterflies
Children of the 80’s, unite!
So much in common!
Like we were both alive for
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Sometimes all it takes
is a single look, or touch
to fall out of love
OK, Time to Whistle at Her
Today, I was the image of a radiant woman. I saw Slumdog Millionaire for the first time a few days ago, and ever ...
Dear Men Podcast
103: Reverse polarity can kill your sex life as a couple — unless you do this (ft. Violet & Jason Lange)
What happens in a romantic relationship when a man is more in his feminine energy and a woman is more in her ...
102: BONUS GirlTalk – on men being in their power
Whether in sex, dating, or relationships, both men and women grapple with how to be in their power. If being ...
101: First-ever listener panel! on owning power as a man (ft. Ben, David & Mark)
What's a memorable time you owned your power? How about a time you didn't? Three loyal Dear Men listeners ...
100: Being masculine & having emotions: how to “do” it well (ft. John Schinnerer)
Men are often shamed for having emotions, which is holding back men, women, and culture as a whole. As a man, how ...
99: A power couple talks about power in their relationship (ft. Jason & Violet Lange)
How does a man being in his power affect his woman? Whether in sex, dating, or relationships, the way WE show up ...
98: How to boost your sex appeal by owning your power (ft. Kevin O’Malley)
Women love a man who's in his power. Power isn't dominance (a point that a lot of men and women get ...
97: Using a matchmaker: what to know (ft. Matchmaker May)
Both men and women have used matchmaking for centuries in cultures all over the world. Here we talk about the ...
96: How do you date if you have a mental illness? (ft. Jim of
How do you date if you've got a diagnosis like schizophrenia, an anxiety disorder, clinical depression, or ...