You have the right to a thriving sex life.
Why only after
break-ups do people say what
they really wanted?
This is What Discouragement Tastes Like
I just got done reading Lena Chen’s article "I Was The Harvard Harlot" on Mortifying Disclosures about her ...
The original Sex on the Beach
Club Med: where grown-ups
go to sit on a beach and
fuck random people
Ex Sex
I need to get laid.
You don’t have to hold in your tummy (they’ve seen it all). You can keep the ...
So … you from around here?
It’s perplexing when
I can’t tell whether he’s gay or
just European
Blackberry Gone Wild
If you check that phone
once more while we’re having sex
I’ll cut off your ...
Laser Focus
Like beams of pure sin
when she walks into a room
her eyes blaze for sex
One thing Maria
probably didn’t say to
Arnold: “I’ll be back.”
Dear Men Podcast
115: Is it easier for men or women to get into a relationship? (ft. Jason Lange)
Is it easier for men or women to get into committed relationships? What about getting a first or second date, ...
114: GirlTalk: The 1 relationship skill to rule them all
A lot of dating relationships start out in the honeymoon phase -- lots of sex; fun, engaging dates; fantastic ...
113: The sexiest vacation you can take (ft. Mario Cruz)
It's not always easy to find fun, sex-positive environments where women feel safe to be fully expressed and ...
112: How quitting porn supercharged this man’s sex life (ft. Jason Lange)
Porn is a multi-billion dollar industry, and porn addiction has a massive impact on our sex, dating, and ...
111: GuyTalk: 3 black men talk sex, dating & relationships (ft. Jules, Graze, and Ahmad)
What's it like to be a black man in the world of dating and relationships? What role does emotional safety ...
110: GirlTalk: Black girls talk dating (ft. Ivy, Nina, and Amber)
What's it like to be a black woman on dating apps? What does allyship look like in dating and relationships? ...
107: Race, Privilege, and Healthy Masculine Leadership (ft. John Wineland, Preston Smiles, Dr. Siri Sat Nam, and Connor Beaton)
How can men help? This thoughtful panel discusses race, racism, privilege (including white privilege), and healthy ...
104: What does it mean to "do the work"? (ft. Jason Lange)
We repeatedly see that men and women who "do the work" are the ones who get into (and sustain) healthy ...