You have the right to a thriving sex life.
Put ’em up
Whenever a bout
of low self-esteem kicks in,
it’s shooting range time
Hey, wanna ride on the handlebars?
If you’re rockin’ this,
it just ain’t gonna happen:
handlebar mustache
Conference Call
Overheard at a
conference: “Post-breakout session,
want to go have sex?”
Laundromats are great
places to pick up women:
captive audience
Abercrombie Shopping Bags Turn Me On … Seriously
How does it work that
advertisements for clothing
feature nude people?
Deep Down
Not only for you
am I afraid I’m too much,
but for anyone
He may share your bed
but we’ve got something on him:
we share your secrets
All Tied Up
When did you last use
a tie not for black tie, but
to tie someone up?
Dear Men Podcast
DM 134: Feel let down by your partner a lot? This might be why (ft. Jason Lange)
If you've ever felt like you're constantly the one giving in a relationship and never receiving, this is ...
133: GirlTalk: Masturbation!
How do girls and women learn to masturbate? How does that differ from boys, and how does that then inform the ...
132: What if she’s not doing the work? Can it work? (ft. Jason Lange & Violet Lange)
If you've ever wished your partner would open up more or grow in a certain area (i.e. sexual openness or ...
131: Feel like you can never get it right with her? This dynamic could be why (ft. Shana James)
There's a frequent pattern in male/female relationships where he feels like she wants him to read her mind, ...
130: GirlTalk: The best sex we’ve ever had 🙂
I'm talkin' about that good good lovin': that can't-wait-to-have-you, make-the-mattress-jump, ...
129: Setting boundaries with family. ‘Tis the season! (ft. Violet Lange)
The number one indicator of whether a marriage will succeed or fail is not about the quality of the match or ...
128: Feel like you’re walking on eggshells? Recognizing Borderline Personality Disorder (ft. Violet Lange)
Ever been in a relationship where little things set your partner off? Ever gotten the silent treatment (or had sex ...
DM 126: If you don’t want sex with tons of women, is there something wrong with you? (ft. Jason Lange)
A lot of men feel like they're "supposed" to want to bang every woman they possibly can, and that if a woman makes ...