You have the right to a thriving sex life.
Homemade Pasta
Italian men are
unparalleled at two things:
eating and cheating
Vegan Diet
It seems to me that
vegans tend to mate solely
with other vegans
Fighting to be with
someone doesn't always mean
you should be with them
It’s just not fair.
It frustrates me that
my body -- not me -- gets to
choose who turns me on
I *Condone* Condoms
Sexiest gift I
ever received: a rose and
a box of Trojans
Hot Sex
I had really good sex the other night.
He knew how to take his time and go slow. He knew what to do and when. He ...
Ripped Off
Getting ripped off sucks
unless you’re talking about
getting clothes ripped off
Everything else pales –
wine, drugs, even chocolate – to
your skin on my skin
Dear Men Podcast
143: GirlTalk: Dating apps: Our experience (as straight women)
Modern sex, dating, and relationships often Hinge on dating apps (see what I did there?). Whether you're on ...
142: Afraid of being called creepy? This could be why (ft. Jason Lange)
The fear of being called creepy or viewed as a pervert, whether in a sexual scenario, while dating, or even in ...
141: GuyTalk: Bullying, resilience, and relationships
How does being bullied early in life affect your ability to trust and connect in sex, dating, and relationships ...
140: The line between her being abusive and her feminine storm (ft. Jason Lange & Violet Lange)
Women want to feel fully emotionally expressed around men, but where's the line between expression and abuse? ...
139: How to Not Die Alone (ft. Logan Ury & Kristen Berman)
Ever wished you could apply scientific principles to dating? Then you'll love this episode. Behavioral scientist ...
137: Should you stay friends with her? (ft. Jason Lange)
Say you've gone on a date or two with a woman you're interested in sexually and then she lets you know ...
136: GuyTalk: Dating after divorce
Getting a divorce can be both freeing and terrifying at the same time. Who you are post-relationship? How do you ...
135: How being ‘disrespectful’ could help your sex life (ft. Jason Lange)
As a sex researcher, I've repeatedly noticed a trend when men share with me about their love lives: Some men ...