You have the right to a thriving sex life.



Homemade Pasta

Italian men are   unparalleled at two things:   eating and cheating  

Vegan Diet

It seems to me that   vegans tend to mate solely   with other vegans  


Fighting to be with   someone doesn't always mean   you should be with them  

It’s just not fair.

It frustrates me that my body -- not me -- gets to choose who turns me on  

I *Condone* Condoms

Sexiest gift I ever received: a rose and a box of Trojans     ...

Hot Sex

I had really good sex the other night. He knew how to take his time and go slow. He knew what to do and when. He ...

Ripped Off

Getting ripped off sucks unless you’re talking about getting clothes ripped off  


Everything else pales –   wine, drugs, even chocolate – to   your skin on my skin    

Dear Men Podcast

132: What if she’s not doing the work? Can it work? (ft. Jason Lange & Violet Lange)

If you've ever wished your partner would open up more or grow in a certain area (i.e. sexual openness or ...

131: Feel like you can never get it right with her? This dynamic could be why (ft. Shana James)

There's a frequent pattern in male/female relationships where he feels like she wants him to read her mind, ...

130: GirlTalk: The best sex we’ve ever had 🙂

I'm talkin' about that good good lovin': that can't-wait-to-have-you, make-the-mattress-jump, ...

129: Setting boundaries with family. ‘Tis the season! (ft. Violet Lange)

The number one indicator of whether a marriage will succeed or fail is not about the quality of the match or ...

128: Feel like you’re walking on eggshells? Recognizing Borderline Personality Disorder (ft. Violet Lange)

Ever been in a relationship where little things set your partner off? Ever gotten the silent treatment (or had sex ...

DM 126: If you don’t want sex with tons of women, is there something wrong with you? (ft. Jason Lange)

A lot of men feel like they're "supposed" to want to bang every woman they possibly can, and that if a woman makes ...

124: How to have the women YOU want, want you back? (ft. Jason Lange)

Ever felt like the women you really want don't want you back? It's exceedingly frustrating (and not good ...

123: The best therapy to help your sex & love life (might not be what you think) (ft. Z Zoccolante)

If you've ever repeated patterns in your sex, dating, or relationship life, you know how frustrating it can ...

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