You have the right to a thriving sex life.
We often use “love”
to describe feelings and things
that are really not
The sassiest girl
will never even come close
to a bitchy-ass queen
Hard to Do
the problem with breaking up
is being single
Just Say…
The most exciting
and thrilling moment with him
was when I said, “No.”
Summer’s Only Flaw
I hate it when guys
take off their sunglasses and
aren’t quite as cute
Quest to Get Laid Part Deuxxx
In case you missed it, a few weeks back I was on a definitive quest to get laid, so I posted a straightforward yet ...
Quest to Get Laid, Part Un
A few weeks ago I was in a bad way – I really wanted to have sex. (This theme comes up a lot, doesn’t ...
I’ll Fight You For It
Makeup sex is the
bonus of relationships
that otherwise suck
Dear Men Podcast
152: GirlTalk: How to go down on a woman so she *loves* it
If you're a man who has sex with women, going down on women is not a topic you'd necessarily feel safe ...
151: Curious about consent? Intimacy Coordinators for sex scenes break it down (ft. Jenifer Yeuroukis & Sarah-Jane Hill)
"How do I get consent?" is a common question men who have sex with women have when it comes to sexy ...
150: Want a happy, healthy relationship? This could be holding you back. (ft. Ben Gorski & Mark Wolynn)
If you desire a fun, healthy relationship with hot, connected sex and harmonious teamwork, you can have it ... but ...
149: "My wife doesn’t want sex anymore." It could be time for this. (ft. Jason Lange)
"My wife doesn't like sex." "Why isn't my wife attracted to me?" "How can I fix ...
147: Are you afraid of her emotions? Here’s what’s important to know (ft. Jason Lange)
Ever been scared of your woman's anger, sadness, grief, or rage? It can be overwhelming and hard to handle ...
144: Should you stay together for the kids? (ft. Jason Lange)
It's a common relationship question, especially when a marriage isn't working: Should we stay together ...
143: GirlTalk: Dating apps: Our experience (as straight women)
Modern sex, dating, and relationships often Hinge on dating apps (see what I did there?). Whether you're on ...
142: Afraid of being called creepy? This could be why (ft. Jason Lange)
The fear of being called creepy or viewed as a pervert, whether in a sexual scenario, while dating, or even in ...