You have the right to a thriving sex life.
I really want a
flat stomach, but I also
really love chocolate
I couldn’t stand up
for myself, but for you I’d
kick anyone’s ass.
Good Vs. Evil
Why am I frigging
attracted to the bad boys,
and not the good guys?
Come On, Phone Home
I wish I could be
like her, just not give a shit
whether he calls back
Hard To Do
the problem with breaking up
is being single
It was long ago
You might not remember, but
I never forgot
Working It Out
Going to the gym
sucks, but more times than not is
worth it for the ...
Woman’s Best Friend
Men are just like dogs:
distractable, hump-happy
and fiercely loyal
Dear Men Podcast
190: Responding to a woman’s criticism masterfully (ft. Jason Lange)
Ever wished you were better at receiving feedback in dating or relationship? For many men, it's a challenge ...
189: GirlTalk: Does size matter?
Yep, we're talkin' about cocks! When it comes to penises, there are all different kinds, and as women ...
188: Want to date well? Getting to the "hard stuff" fast can help (ft. CanWe founder Russ Haywood)
Ever been frustrated by the dating apps? If so, you're not alone -- studies show 40-50% of people using them ...
187: Sex worker talks virgins & threesomes & brothels, oh my! (ft. Alice Little)
Ever wondered what it's like to work at a high-end, legal brothel? Alice Little, attuned sex worker and ...
186: GirlTalk: Approaching us in the wild (the "cold approach")
Ever seen an attractive woman at a coffee shop, grocery store, or just on the street who you'd love to get to ...
184: GirlTalk: Men, money, and masculinity
What if she makes more than you -- or vice versa? Should you pay for dates or go Dutch, and is one of those ...
183: "I’m fine." Handling Passive Aggression with Grace (ft. Jason Lange)
Mixed messages in your relationship can be one of the most frustrating elements of communication. Whether it's ...
180: Top 3 things we’ve learned after coaching men on sex & relationships for years (ft. Jason Lange)
'Tis the season for reflection, and here Jason and I each share our top learnings when it comes to hearing ...