You have the right to a thriving sex life.



How to Ask Me Out

People, it happened again! What’s going on? Last week as you’ll recall, I met a deliciously attractive young man ...


The question is this: Why is it that sex always has to mean something?      

Courage, Reprise

For those keeping up with the saga that is my dating life, here's one for ya: A few weeks ago I met a really cute ...

Balls to the…

My best fantasies   are those in which I’m taken   up against a ...


I feel a little lame. I recently met a cute guy – correction: a really cute guy – and left without any way of ...


The only reason we didn't fuck right there was social convention  


I hope someday you stop blaming me for what some one else did to you      

Hail Mary…

The most repressed of all the repressed people are without doubt, Catholics    

Dear Men Podcast

209: "I knew I wanted something different, but didn’t know how to get there." (ft. Jason Lange)

When Jason was in his 20s he felt stuck and kind of numb. He'd never had sex. He'd had a really hard ...

208: GuyTalk: "I used to suck at girls … and now I don’t."

Ever felt like you suck at girls? Examples:You just don't know what you're doing when it comes to dating ...

206: “Our first sex was terrible … and here’s why I married him” (ft. Anna Rova)

Ever wondered whether you can have a passionate marriage even if the beginning was rocky? Ever wanted to know what ...

205: So an introvert and an extrovert walk into a bar… (ft. Jason Lange)

… and get into a relationship. 😉 What then!? How does being an introvert or extrovert impact your sex, dating, ...

203: Let’s Get Real Bro: Is the missing piece in your relationship life bros? (ft. Weston Karnes)

When you think of the success of your relationship, or how to improve your marriage, the first thing you think of ...

202: ‘Our sex life isn’t working, but other things in the relationship are. What do we do?’ (ft. Jason Lange)

What do you do when aspects of your long-term relationship work, but your sex life is DOA? Sex therapists define a ...

201: ‘Life was one big party I wasn’t invited to’: Overcoming social anxiety (ft. Ryan Black)

Ever felt like you're either left out or somehow behind everyone else when it comes to sex, dating, or ...

200: GirlTalk: What makes a man trustable?

For many men, there's nothing better than knowing that you're deeply trusted. And for many women, a man ...

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