You have the right to a thriving sex life.
Imperfect Match
I think I’m sitting
next to a date.
It’s not going well.
Thoinga Thoinga
“When she’s in a thong,”
he said, “I swear to God it’s
like my whole world stops.”
Pair Bonding
We slept together.
Now I feel attached to you.
Fuck oxytocin.
My Type
What’s your type?
It’s the ultimate question, right? Is having a type even real? When people say, “You’re not my ...
Talk to Me
If you can’t even
talk to me directly, what
are you like in bed?
Fire in the Hole
Let’s huddle up by
the fire together and
pet like teenagers
Happy Happy Holidays
Who spiked the eggnog?
When I get him, I’m gonna
kiss him on the lips
Sexual tension
is the difference between group
tours that suck, or rock
Dear Men Podcast
218: Lost that spark? How to get the chemistry back in a long-term relationship (ft. Alicia Davon)
If you've ever been married or in a long-term committed relationship, you know that the sparks that flew at ...
217: When sex is about more than just the sex. (ft. Jason Lange)
Ever felt like your wife or partner has sex with you just to fulfill her duty in the relationship? That she's ...
216: Special GuyTalk: Sexual challenge, consciousness work, and relationship
Ever struggled with porn addiction, premature ejaculation, concern over how your cock looks (for the record, all ...
215: Are you intimidated by her emotions? Here’s what to do (ft. Jason Lange) replay
Ever been scared of your woman's upset? You’re not alone. Perhaps you can hold space for her hurt, anger, or ...
214: How does the father wound affect a man? (ft. Jason Lange)
"Kids have a hole in their soul in the shape of their dad," says Roland Warren, former president of the ...
212: Have you had a disappointing love life? (ft. Dr. Thomas Jordan)
"I was raised by a mom who was dependent, controlling, and self-centered. Then I looked for women like ...
211: One of the deepest modalities I’ve encountered thus far (ft. Jessica Hagan)
Most men I work with want a healthy, happy love relationship. Yet it often feels like there's something in ...
210: Dating after 40 — turns out it can be better than ever (ft. Jade Chang Sheppard)
When Jade got divorced and entered her 40s, she had some fears and uncertainties ... especially after going to The ...