You have the right to a thriving sex life.
Let’s play nursing home:
We’ll drink tea, do crosswords, and
have old person sex
I’ve Got Your Inferno Right Here
Resigned to its own
special level of hell is
being the third wheel
Significance – Other
The problem isn’t
that you have a girlfriend: it’s
that’s why I like you
Apart… a part
You are not alone.
Separateness is the biggest
illusion of all
Mac Compatible?
I can’t date you if
you’re pro-life, dis your mom, or
you use a PC
Going to the Chapel
Being a bridesmaid
is a stressful proposal
if you’ve fucked the groom
Who You Gonna Call?
Driven To
Please distract me from
obsessing about him and
losing my own self
Dear Men Podcast
228: Setting the mood for sensuality … (ft. Amy Anthony)
What does it actually mean to "set the mood"? Yes, candles are fantastic — they give that soft light that makes ...
227: How a woman can reclaim her erotic essence (ft. Violet Lange)
Want that sizzle, that dazzle, that magical mystique? Of course you do. Everyone does. And if you're in a ...
225: We’re talkin’ tussling! How positive emotional tension can be awesome in your relationship (ft. Dr. Robert Glover)
Ever felt like a woman was testing you, pushing your boundaries in annoying ways, or giving you a "shit ...
224: What does it mean to have honest sex? (ft. Shana James)
What does it mean to actually be honest when it comes to sex? A lot of couples never really talk about their sex ...
223: Sexological bodywork, somatic sex education, and overcoming trauma (ft. Chris Muse & Alyssa Morin)
Ever wished sex were easier? As in, that you could feel totally comfortable in your body, fearless in your ...
222: Are you using your woman for sex? (ft. Jason Lange)
Do you want more sex with your wife (or partner)? Ever wanted to have sex in order to feel better? Do you get ...
220: How do I tell if she likes me? (ft. Jason Lange)
What are the signs a girl likes you? How do you know whether a woman is interested? If you're a man who has ...
219: How do you handle it if one partner’s up and the other is down? (ft. Jason Lange)
As a culture we don't talk about this a lot, but what happens when you're jealous of your partner? Not ...