You have the right to a thriving sex life.



Uncomfortable Truths

I could never say   “I want you around because   I’m just so lonely”  


Girls want to know you think of them more than just when they’re in front of you  

B*tch Slapped?

Hey, men of the world, newsflash: It’s not (always) your fault. When it comes to the opposite sex, men often find ...


Urban vixens know   exactly how to make the   concrete jungle roar  

Home Delivery

I want to be teased   fondled til sighs escape me.   Can you handle that?  

F*uck You?

I want to kill you so I’m annoyed I also feel like jumping you  

Me Da Igual

I don’t care who I   have sex with tonight, I just   want it to be raw    

Here, Kitty

She stole my boyfriend.   I stole him right back. Then I   ran over her cat.    

Dear Men Podcast

257 What’s the difference between porn sex and real-life sex? A woman porn director explains (ft. Holly Randall)

Holly Randall grew up in a household where both parents were in the adult industry (as photographers/producers). ...

256: How do you support her when she’s having a hard time (and also get your needs met)? (ft. Violet Lange)

When a woman is going through a tough time (especially for an extended period of time), it can be easy to fall ...

255: GuyTalk: Fun with cunnilingus! 3 men share their experience of going down on women

Oral sex can be super hot. In fact, some people consider it even more intimate than intercourse.As one writer put ...

254: The 3 common traps conscious couples fall into (and how to avoid them!) (ft. Allana Pratt)

Let's say you're doing the work, and meet someone else who's doing the work. Now you're in a ...

253: Can you address erectile dysfunction with a science-based sex toy? Turns out yes. (ft. Dr. Soum of MysteryVibe)

Sex is part of life, and major life events affect our sex lives. Here are just a few things you might've wondered ...

252: How to date & have connected sex with a trauma background (ft. Michael Unbroken)

Trauma recovery might not seem like the sexiest topic, but you guys, it is. When it comes to to having healthy, ...

251: Dating lessons from a dating show host! (ft. Alli Goldberg)

"I'm a comedian, and now I’m an accidental matchmaker!"So says Alli, self-proclaimed theater geek ...

250: How do you re-polarize a relationship (bring back the spark)? ft. Jason Lange

One of the most inspiring things we've seen in our work with men is the rejuvenation of relationships. ...

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