You have the right to a thriving sex life.
True Lies
Why do we always
get the ones we don’t want and
want who we can’t have?
Grasping vs Reaching
Perhaps I appeared
solely to remind you how
good connection feels
It would be so nice
to curl up with someone now
and not feel alone
Walking by them, I
often think, I’m exactly
who they think I am
Elicit A Response
I have something to say to all the gents out there on behalf of all of the ladies. I really want you to hear this ...
Letting It All Hang Out
So I met a great guy. He’s smart, funny, a good listener, and (equally as important) a good question-asker. He’s ...
Chutzpah, baby
I’m a feisty Jew
so if you’ve got a thin skin
this probably won’t work
I’ll Berry You
You’ve got a smartphone.
So don’t tell me you didn’t
get my damn email.
Dear Men Podcast
267: What do you do if your masculine role models sucked? (ft. Jason Lange)
How did you learn to be a man? From whom did you learn, and what did they impart? More importantly, if this ...
264: How do we learn about sex? (ft. Yuval Mann)
Was your family skilled at teaching you about sex? Was your school, or your religious community?
I'm ...
263: 5 ways to polarize a powerful woman (ft. Jason Lange)
Has your woman ever been in her masculine, and you wished she was in her feminine? Here's something that doesn't ...
262: Are you lonely? (ft. Jason Lange)
Ever have trouble concentrating, or beat yourself up for not getting more done? Do you give yourself a hard time ...
261: If I’m having doubts, does that mean she’s not The One? (ft. Jason Lange)
"I just can't make up my mind. Sometimes I feel like I'm settling, and that makes me sad. Sometimes I feel blessed ...
260: How do you make consent sexy? An adult film actress shares! (ft. Tasha Reign)
A lot of the men we work with don't want to be That Guy. The guy who's creepy or pervy or weird. The guy who makes ...
259: Want her to feel safe with you, and free to be vulnerable? Learn to do this. (ft. Jason Lange)
All of the men we work with, whether married, dating, or single, want women to feel safe with them. It's ...
258: Should you wait to get into a relationship in order to work on your stuff? & other popular questions (ft. me!)
Relate to any of the following dating and relationship questions?
In dating, I tend to get attached/excited ...