Recent Episodes…

124: How to have the women YOU want, want you back? (ft. Jason Lange)

Ever felt like the women you really want don't want you back? It's exceedingly frustrating (and not good ...

123: The best therapy to help your sex & love life (might not be what you think) (ft. Z Zoccolante)

If you've ever repeated patterns in your sex, dating, or relationship life, you know how frustrating it can ...

121: A brilliant & inexpensive alternative to couples therapy! (ft. Mark & Ayesha)

When it comes to talking openly about sex and relationship, couples are often strangely isolated. You don't ...

120: What if you’re still a virgin (or sexually inexperienced)? (ft. Jason Lange)

Will she still want to have sex with you if you're still a virgin at 26 years old (or 29, 34 or older)? What ...

119: GirlTalk: Blowjobs! What we like and don’t like in oral sex on men

Do you give blow jobs at Da Club, during casual sex, or only in a committed relationship? Do you prefer to spit or ...

118: GirlTalk: Cheating. We get personal.

Cheating is complicated. The effect of sex with someone outside your relationship (or emotional cheating in some ...

117: What does it look like for *women* to "do the work"? (ft. Violet Lange)

Men aren't the only ones who struggle with dating, relationships, and sex. Women of all ages, including those ...

116: Dating during COVID-19: how does it work? (ft. Violet Lange)

Sex, dating, and relationships (including marriages) have all been affected by the coronavirus pandemic of ...

115: Is it easier for men or women to get into a relationship? (ft. Jason Lange)

Is it easier for men or women to get into committed relationships? What about getting a first or second date, ...

114: GirlTalk: The 1 relationship skill to rule them all

A lot of dating relationships start out in the honeymoon phase -- lots of sex; fun, engaging dates; fantastic ...

113: The sexiest vacation you can take (ft. Mario Cruz)

It's not always easy to find fun, sex-positive environments where women feel safe to be fully expressed and ...

112: How quitting porn supercharged this man’s sex life (ft. Jason Lange)

Porn is a multi-billion dollar industry, and porn addiction has a massive impact on our sex, dating, and ...

111: GuyTalk: 3 black men talk sex, dating & relationships (ft. Jules, Graze, and Ahmad)

What's it like to be a black man in the world of dating and relationships? What role does emotional safety ...

110: GirlTalk: Black girls talk dating (ft. Ivy, Nina, and Amber)

What's it like to be a black woman on dating apps? What does allyship look like in dating and relationships? ...

107: Race, Privilege, and Healthy Masculine Leadership (ft. John Wineland, Preston Smiles, Dr. Siri Sat Nam, and Connor Beaton)

How can men help? This thoughtful panel discusses race, racism, privilege (including white privilege), and healthy ...

104: What does it mean to "do the work"? (ft. Jason Lange)

We repeatedly see that men and women who "do the work" are the ones who get into (and sustain) healthy ...

103: Reverse polarity can kill your sex life as a couple — unless you do this (ft. Violet & Jason Lange)

What happens in a romantic relationship when a man is more in his feminine energy and a woman is more in her ...

102: BONUS GirlTalk – on men being in their power

Whether in sex, dating, or relationships, both men and women grapple with how to be in their power. If being ...

101: First-ever listener panel! on owning power as a man (ft. Ben, David & Mark)

What's a memorable time you owned your power? How about a time you didn't? Three loyal Dear Men listeners ...

100: Being masculine & having emotions: how to “do” it well (ft. John Schinnerer)

Men are often shamed for having emotions, which is holding back men, women, and culture as a whole. As a man, how ...

99: A power couple talks about power in their relationship (ft. Jason & Violet Lange)

How does a man being in his power affect his woman? Whether in sex, dating, or relationships, the way WE show up ...

98: How to boost your sex appeal by owning your power (ft. Kevin O’Malley)

Women love a man who's in his power. Power isn't dominance (a point that a lot of men and women get ...

97: Using a matchmaker: what to know (ft. Matchmaker May)

Both men and women have used matchmaking for centuries in cultures all over the world. Here we talk about the ...

96: How do you date if you have a mental illness? (ft. Jim of

How do you date if you've got a diagnosis like schizophrenia, an anxiety disorder, clinical depression, or ...

Dear Men Podcast:

How to Rock Sex, Dating, and Relationships With Women

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