Recent Episodes…

16: The top 5 things we’ve learned about men (ft. Shana James)

My good friend Shana James, men's coach extraordinaire, and I discuss the top things we've learned as women coaches for men! It's both fascinating and revealing to see the common patterns in sex, dating, relationships, and more.

15: GirlTalk: We crave this from men, and love when they provide it!

My friends and I get together to celebrate this one thing some men provide that is both sexy and thoughtful. It has us relax, feel special, and want to surrender to him even more. Don't miss this episode!

14: How to be a Man in Relationship Instead of a Boy (ft. Martin Hannon)

Women crave MEN, not boys, to have relationships with. But what does it actually mean to be a man instead of a boy in that way? Men's coach Martin Hannon specifies what it takes to be a man who can truly meet his woman where she's dying to be...

13: Advanced Sexual Practices for Men

Ever wondered how to experience more pleasure as a man in sex, last longer, or satisfy your woman more? Tantra teacher Meta Tara outlines sexual practices men can do in to deeply satisfy and delight women in bed ... and have even hotter experiences...

12: How to Help a Shut-Down Woman Open Up

Whether in dating or a relationship, being sexually and emotionally shut-down is painful. Here's one woman's story of how she became more open, and how her man played a significant role along the way.

11: What can male strippers teach us about relationships?

In this super-special episode, I interview 4 male strippers from The Hollywood Men, asking them about their own dating and sex lives, as well as how you sustain a relationship while you're in such a sex object role (2 of the 4 are married!). This...

10: Ghosting! We’ve gotta talk about it. Special GirlTalk/GuyTalk episode

Ghosting is by far one of the worst byproducts of the digital age of dating. It impacts both men and women in short- and even medium-term relationships. In this combined GirlTalk/GuyTalk episode, we break down why we ghost, when we ghost, and how to...

9: How to date powerful women (ft. Ken Blackman)

Want to date and be in relationship with beautiful, successful women? Ken Blackman drops some compelling wisdom and advice on how to be confident around powerful femininity.

8: How to Deal With “Issues” Fast (ft. Dr. Matt Kreinheder)

Emotional baggage. We all know it. A lot of us carry it. But what if a therapeutic modality like Network Spinal Analysis could help us let go of it quickly and easily? How graceful CAN dating and relationships be when we're clean and clear of the past?

7: How Does a Man Get to Balance? (ft. Eivind F. Skjellum)

How can a man balance his inner masculine and feminine, and why does that matter so much in relationships with women? Men's coach and author Eivind Skjellum outlines the struggle a lot of men face when it comes to looking at the two energies within.

6: From “Nice Guy” to Confident With Women & Married to a Goddess (ft. Jason Lange)

Jason shares his fascinating journey from being a "nice guy" late bloomer who wasn't great with women, to dating, getting his first girlfriend, and finally marrying and having great sex with the woman of his dreams.

5: Masculine/Feminine Polarity (ft. Violet Lange)

Want to have (and maintain) hot sex in relationships? You need to know about polarity. Violet Lange, sexuality mentor for women, joins us as we discuss the masculine, feminine, and beyond. 

4: GuyTalk: 4 Men Respond to GirlTalk

I get together with 4 male friends to hear their thoughts on confidence, approaching women, and tales of sex after bottomless mimosas.

3: GirlTalk: We love when men do this! Why don’t they do it more?!

I get together with 3 of my girlfriends to talk about 1 specific thing we love that men do ... and how we wish they'd do it more often. 

2: Pleasurable Sex: A Few Creative Solutions

Pieter holds the voice of the masculine as we go over your survey results, hearing from both men & women about sex, pain, and pleasure. Plus a few concrete suggestions for how to make things feel even better in the bedroom.

1: Pain in Pleasure, Pleasure in Pain (ft. Z Zoccolante)

A woman's personal story of going from sex being painful to pleasurable!

Intro: What is this and why should you care?

Sex, dating, and relationships: Let's talk about it.

Dear Men Podcast:

How to Rock Sex, Dating, and Relationships With Women

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