Jun 2, 2011 | Being Single, Haiku, Men
Best part of the start of summer on the East Coast: Fleet Week in New York!
Jun 1, 2011 | Being Single, Dating, Haiku, Men, Women
The tried and true way to maintain his attention: leave him wanting more
Jun 1, 2011 | Being Single, Funny, Haiku, Sex
High school things I miss: field trips, Friday night football and heavy petting
May 28, 2011 | Funny, Haiku, Men, Relationships, Sex, Women
When he asked for this she knew she was fucked: a paternity test
May 26, 2011 | Dating, Funny, Haiku, Jealousy, Men, Relationships
Yeah, he checks girls out but until he does something give him a damn break.
May 26, 2011 | Dating, Haiku, Men, Relationships, Sex, Spirituality, Women
Why only after break-ups do people say what they really wanted?