You have the right to a thriving sex life.
3 Good Sex Moves for Men (as Offered by 1,067 Women)
I believe there’s a common perception that men are selfish when it comes to sex. That they only want to get ...
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The Most Powerful Moment I’ve Ever Had with a Man.
I coach men on how to succeed with women.
As part of this work, I’ve been a female facilitator for the Authentic ...
10 Sexy Things About Men.
I love men. I love how they move, how they sit, how they kiss.
I love how they play air guitar, quote Wedding ...
3 Sex Problems as a Woman.
Let me start this out by making a couple wild generalizations about sex.
First, we’re all having it.
Of ...
A Woman’s Biggest Fear
Yep, this is one of those times I make a wild generalization that I end up getting some flak for but more of the ...
Meetup just shut down my group. I’m a little scared about why
Sometimes working in the field of sexuality sucks.
I’m a woman coach, and I help men understand women better. I ...
Dear Men Podcast
352: Do you ever feel collapsed or hopeless? (Like nothing’s working) (ft. Jason Lange)
Does a part of you ever feel like just giving up? It's too much, it's too heavy, it's too ...
351: Men love to be nurtured, too (pt. 2) (ft. Scott Kaltenbaugh)
Ever feel like you need to be tough in order to be seen as "masculine" enough? Ever feel like you wish ...
350: Weed, Porn, and Masturbation: The Trifecta! (ft. Jason Lange & Luke Adler)
"Porn was the #1 relationship I had in terms of intimacy."So says Jason on his experience of sex, love, ...
349: Interested in plant medicine but don’t want to do “drugs”? Try this. (ft. Luke Adler)
Most of us, on our growth journeys, become aware that we need to heal from some kind of trauma. We also often ...
348: ‘I wish we had sex more.’ (ft. Violet Lange)
A common pattern in a lot of love relationships sounds like one partner (often a man, in a man/woman dynamic) ...
347: Men’s work isn’t enough. You’ve also got to have this. (ft. Luke Adler)
Have you ever felt unworthy, less than, or "deeply ugly and stupid," as my guest this week put it?The ...
345: The 4 male "types" who partner with Borderline women (Borderline Personality Disorder) (ft. Violet Lange)
Ever been with a woman partner who was emotionally volatile? Ever felt like you were walking on eggshells, or that ...
344: 3 dating myths to let go of immediately (ft. Jason Lange)
Are you gettin' out onto the dating scene in 2025? Whether you're newly single, a refugee from the world ...